Subject: Belt CP help please Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:14 am
Was trying a test flight to make tail adjustment and noticed that something was just not right with the Belt, so I decided to check the set up. I found out that I had a bent feathering shaft and replaced it. Then while checking the set up I noticed the front servo (elev I think would not respond to inputs. No wonder the Belt just didn't feel right. Does this mean that that serbo is dead, and I just need to replace it?
Thanks Donnie D
(also check my pos on tail swing)
Nuttcaze Admin
Subject: Re: Belt CP help please Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:30 pm
try plugging another servo in the elevator channel, sometimes they can just freeze up and thats it, they're done, I was setting up my friends HBK II last night and the tail servo locked solid out of no where, crazy thing but had to replace it.