fırstly ı wısh every heli lovers nice and flawless flights. ı am from Turkey and a newbie on this hobby. ı got a lama v3 and have been flying it for almost 2 months. now ı wanna have a 6chnll heli. while ı was watching nuttcaze on youtube ı heard honey bee fp from him. so my question is what is the difference between fp and cp2? and do you recommend me the cp2?
I would recommend the hbfp. Its a good heli to learn your maneuvers and its easy and cheap to fix. Whenwhen you have mastered your flying, than its time to upgrade for. Collective pitch helicopters. Collective pitch helicopters are capable of flying inverted since these helis gives you both positive and negative pitch, whereas the fixed pitch helicopters just flies normal since the pitch is fixed. But its a godd starter helicopter. Get oriented with it . Good luck
get a HBFP, learn the basics of single rotor flight and then move to a CP with a Belt driven tail, like the HBK V3 or Belt CP V2. After you learn the basics of CP mechanics, look into buying a kit and building your own heli.
Hey Keamauna, The Honey Bee FP, while not indestructable is tough. and what breaks is cheap and easy to fix. This is important because you will have plenty of hard landings. (not necessarily crashes). A hard landing with a HBFP is a crash with a collective pitch heli most of the time. The hard thing with the HBFP is that it seems to have a mind of it's own, they are all over the place. BUT, they can be controlled if you stick with it. If you look at Tonyboogers first vids and look at his latest you will see what I'm talking about. Make sure you note the period of time between them, not all that long. Anyway, good luck and keep us posted as to your progress.
Subject: Re: honey bee cp2 Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:13 am
thanks for all your comments. because of the time difference ı am now available to answer :D. ı take everyone of your comments into real consideration,no worries about it. ı thınk ı wıll get a hbfp and then a belt cp.