Well I don't know a whole bunch but what I do is this, My Esky HH gyro started glitching about one month old, and I've heard they are prone to go bad.It did however work very nicely when it was working ok! I've switched to Logitech, They are a bit pricey about 105. and 155 with the matching gyro, but they got a deal at Heliproz for 109 for both.. I've ordered that even when I wasn't going to use the servo, its small and I didn't want to use it my Esmart so I'll keep it as a spare. I'm settin up a Telbee right now on that 480 I've got so I'll know more tomorrow about that 29. from HK in hongkong and about 45 from Helidriect. I've heard very good things about them. I think Nuttcaze uses one on his Esmart. Anyway thats all I got on Gyro's. .
I've got the logitech 2100 on HBK2 and It does work GREAT so far for me, now keep in mind I don't/can't push it too hard yet but I think it'll be great. My plan is to use it on everything I've got. I've got three so far and one more on the way!!