I also uas one of these but not this one. I use one called Maxpro I think. Its at HeliDirect and cost about 5 bucks. Each battrty size(cell number) needs a differant one, Not like this one size fits all. So you will need more than one if you fly diff. cell packs. In fact I'll be ordering some today!!1 They are a good thing to have!!!
Subject: Re: LiPo in flight battery monitor Thu May 21, 2009 1:37 pm
Yes that's what I like about this, it is flexible in that it will take from 2-7 cells, if you need one for each cell, that has to be fun to hook up I'd think. You have to hook it up to each cell in each battery?
Subject: NO NO Thu May 21, 2009 1:54 pm
Not one for ecah cell!!! One for each size (cell count) Yea it would suck loudly to have one for each cell...LOLOLOLOL It just saves you from moving it beck and forth!! Like. You need one for each 3S heli and one for each 4S heli and so on. I have one heli I run both 3S and 4S pack on so I haven't fiqured that one yet cept having both a 3S and 4S for it. And since I mentioned this the diff. between running a 3S then puttin a 4S is just crazy power!!! This is the Screamer and I'm going to force Nuttsey to do a flight test and eval. on it next week when he is here!! So stay tuned.. I'm also trying to scure a parts supply for the Screamer's so maybe this might be a good upgrade for everyone if I can get it done, parts wise..These heli can be had pretty cheap and there is NO upgrades nessasery, These things come with it all!!!!
Subject: Re: LiPo in flight battery monitor Thu May 21, 2009 2:05 pm
Thats the one and it really does work great!! And was said, you can increase your flight time cause you don't need to worry, this thing lets you know!!