Hello ppl, your friendly mexican friend again. I have some stuff to show and questions to ask, so take a cup of coffe ur your favorite soda (beer would apply but it is still wednesday).
So these are the facts:
14 ago 09.- Second fly attempt, all precautions taken. The night before this day, I rechecked all the mechanical parts, servos alignment, arms, pitch inclination, batteries, I pried to Saint Judas (Saint for the impossible causes). All went fine and I said a "Go" under the T-time.
No wind in the moment, all went "green" to my second try in the Belt CP V2, seted it up, Tx and Rx linked, all good.
I am not hovering more than 1 cm from the ground (It is like I am driven a Trailer instead an helicopter). I found since my first practice than the helicopter turns to the left (which is normal), but going backward (even with the swashplate leveled), which forces me to keep the pitch forward, which it is not exactly normal, in the best of my understanding.
During the 1st to the 3rd attempts in this second session, I heard a strange noise coming inside the cabin... So i decided to remove it and let it fly without it.
5 attempt (the last one), I fighted to keep it hovering but the heli insisted to go backward, suddenly, a gust moves it quite enough to lift it up like 5-8 cm over the ground, doing a 180° turn, and the fatality arrived: the Belt hit a tube we have... the results:
Blades broken, as you can see:
The hit was hard:
Feathering shaft:
And after the full FAA investigation, these are the reasons of the strange noise:
(not a clear pick)
Look at the main gear:
Reasons? the battery cable... I couldnt make it fit inside the canopy, so the inside chafed with the main gear...
The parts are incoming from China now... I checked many of the sites from US you mention here, and some of the prices are lower than my regular online store in Hong Kong... but, believe it or not, while the DHL service from there to Mexico costs USD 24.00, the UPS service in american sites costs USD 64.00... and even USPS costs USD 26.00!!!
So... I am asking your kind help to enlight me about some questions I have:
1) How i can fix the problem of the battery cable? How do you insert and put the cable avoiding the chafing of the main shaft? The canopy is quite stretched in Belt CP...
2) In the worst of the lucks, the "Jesus nut" was "hardly tighten" since factory, and my allen wrench can not hold it... now how i can remove it to release it and place a new one??
3) I could get the one way bearing with the method we have been taught here (thx), I lost 3 fingers with the hammer in the process tho (Nutcazze, it is possible! just wear some gloves).
4) For some reason, the feathering shaft axis can be moved as Nuttcazze showed us in his vids... but the axis has two flat areas than do not allow me to pass it amoung the main shaft:
Sorry for the quality of the pic, it is the black part u can see almost in the middle of the shaft.
5) The last one... I know I'm in the process of learning how to fly a 6 channel heli, but doing numbers, about other parts I will need for future incidents.. Do you think it would be better to go slowly getting the CnC parts?, If I do that, those parts will fit in a Exi 450?. My main goal in this hobby, is fly it well and go for scale...
Thank you so much for your kind time for reading my post, my big apologizes for my bad english, hope most of my text can be enough understandable, and thanks in advance for your kind answers.
Regards from Mexico,