My ESC just burned up a few minutes ago... I just got the Belt-CP repaired, took it out for a few quick hovers and Puff!!!!!!!!! there went the ESC.... Lousy Chinese JUNK! - 4n6Days wrote:
- I read somewhere (on Helifreak, I think) that someone contacted them (ESKY) about an esc that had burned up and they said something to the effect that they are only designed to last 40-80 flights.....
Mine burned up on approx flight 45....
I contacted one of the Techs over at *Castle Creations* and told him what esky said that about the ESC's and he said that's the most
Ridiculous! thing he has heard of...
Castle Creations products are guaranteed and if they fail send them if to get it fixed or replaced...
First thing I did with my Belt-CP was to cut the Wire Tie and rotate the ESC to the left and then mount it under the gears towards the receiver and then tied it back down...
This way it's out in the open and can get some air and not stuck inside of the canopy...
I truly believe ESKY does a lot of this crap on purpose just to make sure things fail so they can keep selling parts...